We confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, accept the promises of God, and affirm the truth of the Christian faith, which is proclaimed in the Bible and confessed in this church of Christ. We believe that these children, though sinful by nature, are received by God in Christ as members of his covenant, and therefore ought to be baptized.
We promise, in reliance on the Holy Spirit and with the help of the Christian community, to do all in our power to instruct these children in the Christian faith and to lead them by our example to be Christ's disciples.
When our boys were baptized this past Sunday, March 21, Jack and I dutifully responded to the above with "We do, God helping us." Well ... if I didn't think so before, I sure do now -- we're in for it!! Those are some hefty promises!! Not only do we have to keep them both fed, dry, warm, and happy but we also have the awesome task of teaching them about Christ and leading them to a personal relationship with him. Praise the Lord for the "God helping us" part of that promise! Praise the Lord for the "with the help of the Christian community" part of that promise!!
Last Sunday was a very special day for our family in a way that I could only anticipate until experiencing it for myself. I'm so thankful that my family could all be there to celebrate with us. (I'm also thankful that both boys did very well during their public appearance -- Sam was wide-eyed and curious and Tyler slept, go figure.) It was a good day!
Love the pictures! They capture the moment so well! What a great day. :)