Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat!!

This was our first year of trick or treating -- we've passed out candy for years, we've dressed up (once) before, but this was the first year the kids got to go out and live it.  And they loved it!  We walked around our neighborhood and they did REALLY well yelling trick or treat and saying thank you, mostly unprompted.  We also went over to Fifth Reformed Church's Trunk or Treat but unfortunately, that was at the height of Tyler's totally untimely allergy attack.  I take full responsibility for thinking the pizza I bought was dairy free ... but it most certainly was not.  Here's the weird thing: Sam did not react at all and Ty had a delayed (but yet still pretty bad -- wheezing, full body hives, itchy, even said his tummy hurt) reaction.  Before, it was always almost immediate.
Regardless, we still had a fun night.  After a hefty dose of benadryl, Ty is back to his goofy self and they are playing as we hide in the basement with our lights finally out. 

Tyrone & Pablo - Ready to go out Trick or Treating!

Check out our light-up pumpkins!

Trying to get a picture of the three -- but the twins were too excited to sit still.


Tyrone & Pablo's FIRST trick or treat!

Afterwards ... helping daddy pass out candy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall Updates

It is already mid-October and we are fast approaching the twins' 3 year birthday and Lucas' 1 year birthday!  The twins are busy, as usual; learning new phrases and dance moves by the day (if you happen to stop by while the ping pong table is up, you should request Sam's "Ping Pong Mesa" dance ... it's fabulous).  Sam has also taken to saying "The Bible tells me so" randomly throughout the day -- not necessarily in response to a question.  Tyler is learning to ride his bike -- working hard to figure out the whole pedaling thing (Sam's an old pro by now).  Tyler loves to have conversations with his little people and fly them through the air, accompanied by sound effects.  They are both doing relatively well with their skin.  We have been at this now for over a year and a half so while their limited food options are frustrating, it's not anything new at this point.  I often make them muffins (pumpkin or banana), they still love sausages and pancakes, fruit snacks, and we've even found a local cupcake shop that makes really good gluten free and vegan cupcakes. 
Lucas is a big, squishy, lovable, smiley boy.  He LOVES to chase his brothers.  He LOVES to get in trouble (particularly by climbing up the stairs).  He is not walking yet but is a very fast crawler.  He has two teeth on top, two on bottom.  He is wearing 18 month clothes and filling them out nicely.  And so far, he doesn't have ANY food issues.  Did I really write that?  Could he really be my child?  I know we're not exactly out of the woods yet, but the twins were already showing signs of allergies by this point. 
On a separate note, I just finished up a super opportunity that I fell into: I substitute taught at Calvin College!  In fact, I'm still on campus now (waiting to meet up with a former youth group gal).  I've always thought teaching at a college would be a fabulous job for when my kids are in school -- ie. my ten year plan.  It was fun, it went well (I think), and I felt like I knew what I was talking about (all good things).  While I'm not ready yet to throw in the towel at my current job, which I really do like, I do feel like this was a good step, a great opportunity to try out what may be my future career.  If nothing else, it sounds like a great way to (partially) finance my kids' higher education, right? 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Get the Quarterback

Ever since Jack found out he was having twin boys, I think he's been envisioning teaching his kids to "get the quarterback!"

Three buds ... thanks Nana for the matching PJ's!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Apple cider and doughnuts ... could there be anything better on a warm October morning?  We made a trip out to Robinettes today with the family -- the weather was 65 degrees and sunny and perfect for walking around.  There were other moms with young kids there but it really wasn't too busy (I wouldn't even attempt such a thing on a Saturday) and we were the only ones in the corn maze, which the boys actually liked!  It was a bummer the twins couldn't partake in the doughnuts or the delicious apple bread we bought but Jack and I certainly enjoyed it!