Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Beginning ...

to look a lot like Christmas!!!

I started some decorating this weekend for Christmas and yes, many things will be different this year. Anything meant to go below waist-high will have to stay packed away for another year (or two) or used at the church youth house as the little monsters have a way of destroying anything shiny or non-toy-like. The Christmas tree is still a "probably" though as I have a fence from my wonderful sister-in-law, Brenda, that she used to go around the tree when her boys were little.

My latest Christmas project was making stockings for my boys. I bought some for Jack and me ages ago and wanted something similar ... but alas, no luck in the stores so I headed for the fabric store. I revved up Grandma's old sewing machine and went to work putting together new stockings for my little boys. The trim around the boot I had to hand-sew and the letters were iron-on. I'm still struggling to find some snowflakes that don't look old-lady-like ... I thought I could cut them out myself but that is way harder than you'd think with felt. Anyway ... here's the result!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Guess Who's Walking!!

I caught Sam this morning in a walking mood (and I always forget I don't know how to turn the video ... so turn your head instead :) ).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Almost One!

It has been a beautiful November week. It was almost 70 degrees a few times this week so of course, we had to pack in a few more stroller rides and romps in the grass for the year. The boys just love it.

They both have taken some steps -- up to about 10 "baby steps" and then they crash. They still much prefer the faster crawling method of transportation, however, and they both started about the same time. They love to babble, but I'm not sure that "mama" really means me yet. They both have 4 teeth; two top, two bottom. Sam was a little ahead of Tyler on the teeth. They both officially have a cold right now and it is very much a snot-fest around here. We are struggling with skin issues and I feel terrible that I gave that to them. Both have excema and we just haven't been able to isolate it to one specific thing or food and it is VERY frustrating. Tyler still has it "worse" and even gets serious (at least to me) reactions from time to time where he itches his eyes so bad they puff up and get swollen (and I immediately grab the benadryl) after eating certain foods. They still love their trucks and we have races daily. Sam likes to ride on his sometimes now too. Sam also loves to read books -- we'll find him quietly in the other room just reading "Brown Bear" all by himself. They both still love remotes, phones, and other gadgets we'd prefer them not to play with and both throw a fit when they are taken away (in fact, in order to finish my blog, they each have one of these unapproved gadgets). They love to play the piano. They love to take baths. They love to eat sweets.

I can hardly believe they are almost 1!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Two Tigers .. Twice the Roar, Twice the Cute!