Thursday, April 21, 2011

April Odds & Ends

Today marks the second anniversary of the happiest day of my life. And in all honesty, I'm not sure it can ever be topped. Two years ago today we found out our dream of becoming parents was finally coming true. It was a wonderful day with happy phone calls and tears of joy. It was also the day I met my nephew, Joshua (who was born the night before) which just added one more layer of happiness. I have had a lot of especially happy days (the boys' birthday, our wedding) and I imagine I'll have more ... but this one was simply the best.

As the weather has finally warmed up (even if only sporatically), we have finally been able to get in a little T-ball with the boys and let me tell you, they are naturals! The bats are a little heavy yet but I think they'll gain their strength fast. We have also devised a working fence for now closing off the area behind our porch and garage (thanks Brenda!) that so far, has been working wonderfully.

We have been doing a wheat, egg, nut-free diet for the past few weeks and it has only been working OK so far. We probably should be excluding dairy too but we don't know for sure that they are allergic as they didn't draw enough blood to test (grr!). Tyler looks good and he hasn't had any break outs like he used to since (he'd start itching his eyes and get all puffy / hivey during or right after meals) we've started but I can't say that he's stopped itching. Sam has had a rough go of it the past few weeks. In fact, he's been a mess. His knees have been raw, his skin feels like sandpaper, and all around just not good. We had him on an antiboitic that helped a little but now that it's done, it's starting to come back. It's very frustrating to be trying so hard but not getting results. Unfortunately, I know the drill which I'm sure isn't exactly helping my attitude about the whole situation.

On the whole, the boys are doing very well. We are trying very hard to teach them words (still a little slow in that area). Sam has a new tooth but Ty has been stuck at 6 for months. We're graduating to 24mth sizes. Sam's hair is probably due for a cut, Ty's is finally starting to come in. They both love their mommy a little too much sometimes but since the same can be said for mommy, I guess I can't hold it against them.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wagons, Spring, and Bowling

We got a new wagon for Christmas this past year and were finally able to use it this week! (Next up: The T-Ball set!) Daddy put it together and man, is it a smooth ride! I think they're really going to love it this year. We are so excited to go play outside and ecstatic about the warmer weather (as evidenced by these lovely crocuses blooming!). It's a lot of work to take the boys outside and I'm always a half second away from a skinned chin, but they just can't get enough of it.

We also got to try bowling this week as we celebrated our cousin Jeff's 11th birthday with some fun and festivities at the Hudsonville Lanes. They were both a little frustrated at why they couldn't play with all the balls on the racks... they just looked so fun! We tried to get them to roll them back and forth, but picking them up is just much more fun. Tyler lifted an 8 pounder off the ground before we diverted attention to simply running around the alley (I sensed impending doom for a toe or finger). We had a lot of fun celebrating!