Sunday, August 5, 2012

Camp VLugt 2012

Camp VLugt 2012
Another year of Camp VLugt is in the history books.  This year, we rented two cottages at Big Star Lake right on the beach.  The setting was perfect, the "Camp VLugt" shirts were perfect, the weather was perfect (well, pretty much), the company was perfect.  My children, however, were NOT perfect. 
Lucas, while usually a relatively decent sleeper, was up every three hours at night.  (Thankfully, now that we are home he is sleeping even better than before we left -- usually 830pm to 600am!).  Tyler was a ridiculous mamma's boy and would NOT touch foot in the sand, let alone play in it or the water.  We even bought him a kiddie pool to put on the grass, but that was only sort of fun for him for about a day.  Sam was a little better at the beginning but must have taken cues from his brothers and became a cling-on by mid-week too.  Granted, they are always mamma's boys; but this was at a ridiculous level.  And let me tell you, that is exhausting! 
In addition to the crabby-ness, we had yet another boo-boo.  Ty was playing with balloons inside and bumped his two front teeth very hard on a table -- enough to make them a little loose.  We went to a dentist, was told they may or may not fall out (but should not affect the adult teeth), was told to not bump them again, was told no more paci's, and was told to lay off from eating anything hard.  Awesome.  Easier said than done with a 2 year old -- especially the not bumping them again. 
There were moments of fun during the week though:  the twins loved the swings, they loved playing with Joshie, they loved the airplane teeter-totter thingy, they loved the paddle boat (but not a regular boat).  We celebrated Kristin's birthday with a fun treasure hunt for the kids, we had lots of campfires and smores (my favorite), and lots of other good food and good times with family. 
This wasn't particularly a fun vacation for me or Jack, but it was still worth it to be with family. We are incredibly blessed.

Ty, Josh, & Sam enjoying a juice box break

Baby boom

Sam & Ty at the ice cream shop (with their slushie)

Happy Birthday Auntie Kristin!

Daddy & Lucas

Happy Babies

Silly VLugts

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