Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Cleaning?

It was GORGEOUS outside this week! Sunshine, almost 70, dry pavement = kids outside! The only problem is that Sam and Ty tend to like to go in opposite directions ... and with the corner lot (= lots of roads), it's a little dangerous. We were outside for about an hour on Wednesday and when we got inside, it was nap time for all three of us. I was exhausted! Oh how I wish for a backyard with even a little confinement! Which got me thinking ... which lead to calling a realtor. Now, before I get ahead of myself, we have been sort of thinking about moving but at this point, it is still in the sort of stage. On the other hand, the boys aren't getting any smaller or slower and summer will be here soon. We are certainly realistic about the housing market and maybe a few years ago, we could have feasibly sold for $20,000 more ... but I guess the idea is the house we would buy would also be in the same position.

This whole idea is a lot more than I'm ready for at the moment. I shouldn't be quite so blown away, considering we've already been discussing this... but I am. I don't know if it's the idea of leaving the house we have called home for the last 7+ years, of leaving the "Ploeg" family house, of moving with toddlers, of having the house ready on demand for visitors, or of cleaning and purging the junk that has me so unsettled... but I am. On top of that, the realtor we talked to strongly suggested we hop to it if we want to hit the spring selling season. Argh. Standing in the need of prayer ...

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I'll help you stage your house when I get back...its a potential future career I'm considering.
