Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March Madness

It's March! There has been a lot to celebrate lately! My really good friend Susan got married March 5 (and it was a fabulous wedding), my nephew Noah got baptised and my bro-in-law, Doug, turned 40 on the 13th, and my dad turns ... is it 59?... tomorrow! Somebody pull out a Celebration cake!

The madness at 2234 continues; nothing earth shattering but lots of climbing, talking, running, throwing, crying, and snuggling. Samuel and Tyler keep me hopping, always guessing. Yesterday, they decided they LOVE pork BBQ (and while I realize Tim Raredon is probably not my main blog follower, but yes, it was Sweet Baby Ray's) ... I would have never guessed. They would also do summersaults for fruit snacks... but I saw that one coming. Still no new teeth (we're stuck at 6 each) and no real words (other than ball, mama, dada, baba), but they definitely have a lot to say. Ty's hair / fuzz is really starting to come in and Sam is growing a mullet. Sam loves his new "big boy" shoes (non-Robeez); Ty refuses to move an inch in them. They are both getting allergy tested this week and we have their 15 month (a little late) check up next week. They broke the "T" key on our laptop. Sam is getting more clingy with Mama, Ty is starting to loosen his vice grip. They love to laugh.

March madness if in full force at the Ploeg's (and I'm not even talking about the tournament!)!

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