Sunday, June 27, 2010


Dare I say it? "Sleep Week" at the VanderPloeg's was a success! While I don't doubt that there will be nights of crying here and there and they certainly don't go down for naps without a peep, I feel the crying has given way to some semblance of a schedule. They generally are pooped by 8pm and sleep til at least 5:30 - 7am -- which is great -- and naps are at 9am and 1pm. The hardest thing by far is enduring the crying. During the day, I often step outside and weed or eat ice cream on the front stoop as it still breaks my heart to hear them cry. But after they give in, I'm always glad I held out. Plus, they are so cute when they are sleeping. Check out these pictures with their booties high in the air -- I just couldn't resist. And then when they woke up happy as clams, I threw Sam in with Tyler and caught them with their smiles. Golly, they are cute!


  1. Yipee!!1
    Hi Cutie Tooties!
    See you on Friday!

  2. ha ha ha omg that last pic is so cute - and I love the jammies with the sheets, where you trying to be so matchy matchy? :)

  3. I know right? So coordinated!

  4. Love that last picture! Want one for the fridge!!
