Saturday, November 9, 2013


I'm not sure why, but when Sam and Tyler tell people (generally when asked) they are twins, I just think it is super cute.  They are such buddies.  They love to do things together, they love to know what the other is doing, they love egg each other on, they are the best of brothers.  Oddly enough, though, they are opposites in a lot of ways.  Not only is Tyler 2 inches and 10 pounds heavier than Sam (Ty is 45 lbs, Sam is 35 lbs, Lucas is also 35 lbs), but he is a better eater, needs more sleep / naps more, loves to color pictures and draw, loves to play with superheros and act out imaginary things with his little people and cars / trucks.  Sam has always been a little ahead on things physical -- despite his size (or maybe because of it), he is more coordinated and is a little ahead of Tyler with all things sports - baseball, hoops, football (although Ty too throws down a mean tackle), ping pong - and he's always been a little more into trains and is more of the leader, if I had to pick one.  It's quite the amazing social experiment to parent twins.

What I find so fascinating is that Lucas is very much like Tyler and not only in build.  Lucas and Tyler both LOVE to swim and simply play in the tub -- Sam, not so much.  They both have similar play styles, if that makes any sense, and interests.  As evidenced in the clip below, they are both total goof-balls (and so is Sam, but he was doing something else at the time).  This one is pure Tyler lately:

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