Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today was my first surgery with one of my kids.  Granted, ear tubes are outpatient, routine, and really not a big deal -- but surgery nonetheless.  We arrived at 7:15, checked in, was shown our room and waitied til 8:30 for the action.  We played a lot of peek-a-boo with the hospital bed and the curtain on the door (see below).  Thankfully, he was in a pretty good mood, despite not having eaten in 12 hours. 
I got to go back with him for the anesthesia (it was a little wierd seeing my baby go out like that), then waited all of fifteen minutes to scoop my crying baby from the nurse after the procedure.  It was really quick.  Lukie was not particularly amused but by the time we got home, he had settled down and was READY to eat. 
Is it crazy to say I think he already feels better?  He took a great nap today and after that was a pretty happy baby.  He is such a little love bug and I'm so glad it's over and he's on the mend!!
Lukie playing around in our room while waiting his turn for tubes. 

Lucas and Tyler playing a game (while Uncle Bri played a similar game
but with ping pong paddles with Sam for nearly 45 minutes). 
Joy in the basement.

On a separate note, potty training with the twins is finally hitting smooth sailing.  We haven't attempted the night-time business yet (diapers for bed), but Sam has been good for about a month now and Tyler is finally catching on now that we've lured him with a new Cranky-the-Crane toy once he masters the whole bit (it was like he just wasn't trying sometimes).  I still feel a little panicky once and awhile when I leave them in just undies at Bible Study or the gym but, fingers crossed, no oopsies yet!

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