Why is it that some days just seem to attract drama? In general, April 20 (and 19th) mark historically sad days: The Columbine shootings, the Waco, Texas/ Branch Davidian massacre, Oklahoma City bombing, and even this week (while not on the same date), the Boston Marathon bombing. Terrible, awful stuff happens in this fallen, sinful world and it kind of seems this time frame is ripe for drama.
But personally, this date marks a number of dramatic (happy and sad) events for me and my family. One year ago today, my Aunt Jan lost her years long battle with cancer. She was way too young, but she was loved, loved the Lord, and lived a great life with family. It was sad but also a relief that she was finally pain free and Home.
Other years have been marked with dramatic JOY. April 20th is my mom's birthday and the 19th is my parent's anniversary (their 40th was this year!), so that's always something to celebrate. But 4 years ago today was truly The Best Day Ever. Not only was it my mom's birthday, but also my sister-in-law Dana gave birth to my precious nephew Joshua. And if that wasn't enough, that morning, I took my first blood pregnancy test and it was positive! After 2+ years of praying and trying, we finally had positive news. I still tear up remembering those phone calls.
As I look at my precious boys playing together today (sometimes nicely, sometimes not), I am thankful for this date without drama this year.
I'll never forget that phone call either! Well said!