Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Best

The best part about being a parent: 1) giggles and 2) snuggles.  And while today was a day filled with giggles and very few snuggles (hence, all three kids are out cold and it's barely 8:07pm), the past week has seen plenty of both. 

Today's giggles (and I mean the uncontrollable, belly laughs) were courtesy of momma pulling Sam & Ty on the sled outside and them both tipping over every three feet into the snow.  They were having so much fun!  So much fun that Ty forgot to only tip into the snow, rather than the nicely cleared sidewalk.  More giggles came from our usual running around in the basement + Uncle Brian + just undies + Ring-a-Round the Rosie + Duck, Duck, Goose.  I also played a game of chase & peek-a-boo with Lucas that he found positively hillarious.  They were in rare form today! 
This past week has also had more than our usual share of snuggles.  I think the twins are needing more naps due to their big boy beds and getting up a smidge earlier because they can (more Ty than Sam).  I think they are finally on the upswing of feeling better, although we did go in for Sam this week and the doc thinks he has a lingering sinus infection (and is once again on an anti-biotic).  Tyler even fell asleep mid-playdate, in the middle of chaos.  Awesome.  Lukie also has been snuggly (and cling) due to yet another ear infection and so now, we move on to tubes.  I'm relieved to just be done with all the wondering... if he has another infection, if it's just teeth, if we should take him back into the doc.  It's so frustrating because you can't just look in and check yourself!
I realize that at a different point in my parenting, I may feel that there are other "best" parts.  But man... I wish I could bottle those giggles!  And a picture simply doesn't do justice to a sleeping, cuddly child. 

Lucas: my little snuggle bug.

Sam having a riot in the snow we colored.
Sam & Ty playing with their new toys (they got to pick something out today due to their successes on the potty).
Giggles, push-ups and undies in the basement (Ty & daddy).

Lukie is not going to be left out -- he chases and tackles the twins too!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Frequent Flier Miles @ Alger Peds

Clearly, I spoke too soon.  I have been at the doctor's office 5 times in 8 days (once for a billing question), including twice today.  And once again, we officially have all three kids with ear infections.  The nasty colds / coughs came back a few weeks ago (after maybe two weeks of reprieve) and have settled into their ears.  The twins, who had one ear infection each as babies have now had two within a little more than a month.  Lukie has had at least four since December ... and I'm this close to simply requesting the tubes (I know, all you moms who have been there tell me it's the best thing ever ... we're just in that fun "in between" stage).  Even after a week of meds, he's still a miserable little bud; eating little more than bottles (not that he's hurting in the pounds department). 
Not to mention, I'm sick as a dog too.  Argh.
In any event, these viruses have to go away sometime, right?  Soon?  I hope?

PS / Update: I decided to join in on the fun:  I too have an ear infection (and the doc said close to a ruptured ear drum ... let's just hope that doesn't happen).  Awesome.