Friday, November 23, 2012

Tyler's Mess

This is what happens when you leave Tyler alone to play by himself for a little bit:  he makes a mess!  While I realize this is not an unusual feat for a little boy, might I point out that he painstakingly placed all of this stuff just so to create his "train station".  The rules were that everything had to be touching.  He's a hoot.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Today was a Monday.  I usually work Mondays, but my kids are sick.  Today, I had lasagna for breakfast (granted it was at 11am) and a holiday McFlury for dinner.  Today, we put up our Christmas tree ... and I know it's not even quite Thanksgiving yet (but it isn't the first time).  Please note:  we do have lights outside but they are not on yet ... even though I am very tempted! 
So proud of themselves for helping! 
The one thing that got my poor sick little Sam excited all day -- the Christmas tree!

Early Christmas crafts ... the boys love a glue stick and stickers!

Friday, November 9, 2012

The VanderPloegs

A few weeks ago, on the last nice, warm Sunday of the season, my mom took some family pictures of the VanderPloegs at Spring Grove Park in Jamestown.  It was a beautiful fall day ... but my kids, particularly Tyler, just weren't feeling it.  Alas, the pictures are real and, in my opinion, turned out quite nicely!  (And, may I add, after wrestling with my 40lb Tyler for an hour, my biceps got quite a workout.)