Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Funny Videos

I'm not sure why I have more posts this month than any other month of blogging, but perhaps it's just that I know looking back on these few months will likely be a blur and I want to be sure I can look back and remember some of the important and fun moments (and perhaps make up for my lack of postings in December). 

The twins are silly as can be lately and we have a few fun videos I just need to share!

Spring Training at the Ploegs

Sam & Ty love to be "Nakee Boys" (aka run around in just a diaper)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


This past Sunday, January 15, was Lucas' baptism.  Once again, it was a wonderful day and I felt much of the same feelings as I did when Samuel and Tyler were baptized:  an amazing sense of tradition of the blessing of baptism that I too received as a baby, of responsibility for this little man to raise him to know and love Jesus, of joy for the precious gift of a child, and of community as family and friends promise to help teach him about God.  I found that this time, more so than last (probably due to the fact we had two two-year olds on top of the baby), felt much like a wedding or other special occasion where the anticipation is fun but a lot of work, the actual event feels like a blur, and the craziness of the day almost overshadows the importance of the event.  Like a wedding, it is easy to go through the motions and then suddenly realize it's over (with a sigh of relief) and you've actually made some pretty important promises.  Promises that truly matter (eternally matter) and that require a lot of work.  Yikes!  As I said last time, praise God for the blessing of community and family to help when these promises feel overwhelming, when we don't feel quite adequate, and when we simply need help.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lucas Brian

My dear friend Kerry was at it again -- she took some amazing pictures of Lucas when he was just a week or so old and I'd say they turned out pretty great.  Isn't he cute?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas 2011

Merry Belated Christmas!  Having a baby in December makes things a little crazy ... and it makes you think.  I remember this last time too -- first of all, the month flies by with all the new-ness, the busy-ness, and the crazy-ness: baby, Christmas, family, parties, presents, etc.  It also makes you take a second look at the amazing story that is Christmas.  How God sent us his son and this poor teenager, Mary, had to give birth her first time in a barn.  A nasty, stinky, dirty barn and perhaps without the female support (mom, sisters, doula, or whatever they had to help you get through it back then) to help her.  While I'm sure Joseph, like Jack, was amazing but she must have been terrified.  Or perhaps not.  Maybe in the wonderful way God works, she was perfectly calm, perfectly ready, perfectly confident that she could handle it.  That she could handle delivering and being the mother to the son of God. 
I also look at this precious, perfect baby of mine and it's a stunning visual reminder of the gift of baby Jesus.  Joy to the World!

We had a wonderful Christmas with family.  We scheduled the VanderLugt Christmas party early in anticipation of the three babies due on the 23rd (Lucas, arrived the 4th), 27th (Levi, arrived the 20th) and January 2 (Mackenzie, arrived on time!).  It was lots of fun and lots of activity with all the excited kids!

Jack and I did Christmas with "our" family on Christmas Eve and we got the boys a golf set.  They LOVE it (anyone shocked?).  They carried it around for two days straight. 
Christmas with the VanderPloegs was on Christmas day.  It was a busy one complete with church, a birthday celebration for the twins + Uncle Bri (before dinner at the Ploeg's as our original date was bumped by Lucas' birth), lunch, presents, trains, tackling cousins, and peppermint ice cream pie.  One nice thing about the cousins being a little older is that they graciously let Sam & Tyler "help" them open all their presents (they caught on fast). 

Christmas 2011 was a wonderful time with family celebrating the birth of our Lord!  Merry Late Christmas!  

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Year in Review: 2011

A year in pictures:  Highlights of 2011 that didn't make the original reel of posts. 

The Boys' 1 Year Picture (actually from December 2010)
Samuel - January 2011
Tyler - January 2011

Happy 29th Birthday Mommy!

Sam LOVES shoes
Tyler -- Loves his naps

Early spring baseball

Boys on the porch ... showing off their muscles!



Camp VLugt

Sam -- Loves to stand on the chair by the counter
Tyler -- new carpet on the porch = whole new play space!

Reading time with daddy on the bed

Baby Lucas on the way! (7 mths)
Go Tigers!

Tyler helping with Christmas lights

Sam helping with Christmas lights

Our precious Lucas arrived!  12.4.11

And I haven't quite gotten to the Christmas post yet ... but that's coming too!  What a year!  It's amazing how much they change and grow!!