Life is busy at the VanderPloeg's. Sam and Tyler are into everything. They climb, reach, grab, and swipe at or on or for literally everything we own. Did you leave your cell phone within 1 foot of the edge of the table? Too bad because Tyler swiped it and is now mysteriously texting half of the contact list. Did you leave the remote anywhere on the couch? Too bad because Sam is now DVR'ing the Today Show in perpetuity. And don't even think about taking these gadgets away: the double meltdown is ridiculous.
In all the busy-ness and day-to-day crazy-ness, it is sometimes easy to forget to be thankful for the little things -- health, home, family, friends. It's easy to remember the stress and forget the giggles and snuggles. Here's a quote from my sister's blog that I try to keep in mind:
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” -- Robert Brault