Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Oh the boys...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Growing Up

My boys are getting older. Shocking, right? Here are the ways I've noticed this week:

1) My girlfriends and I had another playdate today and as I was driving home I thought, geez ... I don't know that I talked to the ladies all that much! I'm pretty sure I was chasing the boys around the playworld at Centerpointe most of the time. Apparently the era of us actually getting to chat while the babies just laid there is over (at least for most of us).

2) My boys now love to eat their own food. By that I mean they have now mastered the art of pinching food between their chubby little fingers and smushing it into their mouths. It is so stinking cute.

3) They officially both have teeth that have poked thru. Sam was a little ahead of Tyler this time but only by about two weeks. It's so crazy to feel these sharp little pokers in their mouths (I can only imagine how they feel!).

4) Tyler can now stand unassisted for up to 5 seconds ... hopefully he'll hold off on walking for another month or so though.

5) They officially fit into their new fall gear from Nana -- size 18 months (well, it's a little big yet but not by much).

So precious. The grow up so fast!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Playing Outside

The boys were having a ball tonight playing outside. They look like such little boys in their super cute outfits! Love, love.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


This was a busy week for the Ploegs. On Monday, I officially went back to work. My mom and dad helped us out this week watching the boys on Monday and Wednesday (Jack was home Tuesday) which was great in that while I was a little worried about the caretakers, I was not worried about my boys. I knew they were loved, I knew they were safe, I knew they were fine. The work itself was interesting, similar but different than what I was doing before. I hope that with a little time, I figure it all out and really like it.

In addition to working this week, my skin decided it was due for an all out freak out. I finally was able to get to the doctor Thursday morning but I was downright miserable all week. Perhaps this was God's diversion from worrying about my kids this week (although, I think I may have preferred that over the skin issues). I walked away from the dermatologist with no fewer than 8 prescriptions and am feeling great now thanks to a healthy dose of steriods (a fabulous but very short-term fix).

Also, this week just so happened to be the 7th Annual Party at the Ploegs! I started having a theme party on the Friday of Labor Day weekend the first summer we got married and have continued with new themes ever since. This year's theme was "Neato in Neon" and I always get such a kick out of seeing what people come up with to wear (thankfully, everyone buys into it, even if just to humor me). I was fully prepared for the boys to be total buggers but we just kept them up until they were really tired and once they were down, they stayed asleep! Fantastic! I think the party was a success and hopefully a good time was had by all.

I am glad to have this week done. The party was fun as always, but it's a lot of work, especially with the babes around. My skin feels better. And I at least have the first three awkward days at the new job under my belt. I know about 4 other moms who went back to work this week and it is helpful for me to remember that lots of women do the working/mommy thing every day. That doesn't mean it's easy, but that's life!

Here's a little sample of the fun and festivities from the Neon Party!

And here are my precious babes this morning in some new outfits because it was chilly!